Dress Diary from Lord of the Rings

Arwen's Mourning Dress

Eowyn's Refugee Dress Diary
Elven Dress Diary
Arwen's Mourning Dress
Rivendell Elf

Design 01001
Please visit my web site at Simbelmyne.us. It is AD FREE and has all my latest updates on this mourning gown.  It is listed under Gondor.

Aragorn and Arwen have a short time together.  Less than 121 years (very short in Elven terms)
He finally desides it is his time to die and quietly goes to the tomb of his ansestors and dies.
In LOTR by Peter Jackson, we see Arwen in mourning dress.  Her father Elrond is speaking of her future.  This dress is simple and beautiful.
It will be the first time that I'm going to try and recreate a gown from a movie.


Buttons:  I purchased 12 buttons from Cat.  They are the same buttons used in the original costume.  Thanks Cat!

Material:  It is not black, but a very dark navy blue silk velvet.  I purchased mine from Thai Silks.
The belt and red triangle along the neck is Red Silk Charmuse (dull side out)
Sleeves are bag lined in silk haboti in dark navy.


It is the TRIM that really makes this gown.  Your eye is drawn to it.  I'm going to try to make this trim by hand.  I expect it to take a while, it's quite detailed as you can see.
Here is a picture of the trim pattern.  The jump rings that I'll use in place of the bullion (french wire) and some of the beads.

Jump Rings
Here is what they look like after they have been paired up.

Pattern Match
I have placed a pair of rings next to the pattern.  They are almost the exact size as on the pattern. 
I have to put this project on hold until I finish my Rivendell Elf Dress.

Last update: 4_18_07  Dress is still in the works.